Corso "International Fetal Cardiology Web Course"
Il 26 e il 28 settembre 2022, in collaborazione con la Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan, USA) e la PREIS School (International and European School of Perinatal, Neonatal and Reproductive Medicine, Florence, Italy) la PSUOG (Permanent School of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology – c/o CEMER-Centro Europeo per la Medicina e la Ricerca, Perugia, Italy) ha partecipato all’organizzazione del corso “International Fetal Cardiology Web Course”. Al corso, incentrato sullo studio del cuore fetale, si sono iscritti circa1600 partecipanti provenienti da tutto il mondo e hanno partecipato i più grandi esperti in ecocardiografia fetale (Greggory De Vore, Rabih Chaoui).
Corso "Modern Ultrasound Techniques in Prenatal Diagnosis"
Il 6/7 settembre 2019, presso la sede della PSUOG (Permanent School of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology – c/o CEMER-Centro Europeo per la Medicina e la Ricerca, via del Giochetto 53/A, Perugia), ha avuto luogo il Corso Internazionale “Modern Ultrasound Techniques in Prenatal Diagnosis”. Tale corso, che ha visto la partecipazione dei più grandi esperti al mondo in ecografia fetale (Rabih Chaoui e Bernard Benoit) è stato incentrato nell’insegnamento degli aspetti tecnici e metodologici più avanzati dedicati all’ecografia materno-fetale e alla diagnosi prenatale.
Professionisti del CEMER Pubblicazioni scientifiche su riviste internazionali
- Babucci G, Rosen K, Cappuccini B, CLERICI G. 3D evaluation of fetal brain structures: reference values and growth curves. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Nov 21:1-6
- CLERICI G, Romanelli M, Tosto V, Tsibizova V, Di Renzo GC. Fetal transient tricuspid valve regurgitation: sonographic features and clinical evolution. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2019 Sep 25:1-5.
- Aisa MC, Cappuccini B, Barbati A, CLERICI G, Torlone E, Gerli S, Di Renzo GC. Renal Consequences of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Term Neonates: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the DOHaD Perspective in the Prevention and Early Recognition of Neonates of GDM Mothers at Risk of Hypertension and Chronic Renal Diseases in Later Life. J Clin Med. 2019 Mar 28;8(4).
- Romani R., Manni G., Donati C., Pirisinu I., Bernacchioni C., Gargaro M., Pirro M., Calvitti M., Bagaglia F., Sahebkar A., CLERICI G., Matino D., Pomili G., Di Renzo G.C., Talesa V.N., Puccetti P., Fallarino F.: S1P promotes migration, differentiation and immune regulatory activity in amniotic-fluid-derived stem cells. Eur J Pharmacol.2018 Aug 15;833:173-182.
- CLERICI G, Giulietti E, Babucci G, Chaoui R. Bovine aortic arch: clinical significance and hemodynamic evaluation. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2017 Jul 4:1-7.
- Di Renzo GC, Giardina I, CLERICI G, Brillo E, Gerli S. Progesterone in normal and pathological pregnancy. Horm Mol Biol Clin Investig. 2016 Jul 1;27(1):35-48.
- Di Renzo GC, Spano F, Giardina I, Brillo E, CLERICI G, Roura LC. Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Womens Health (Lond). 2015 Nov;11(6):891-900.
- Passalacqua G., Donati L., Ferretti M., Giovannini G., Sbaraglia M., CLERICI G.: Cellular Placental Chorioangioma and Adverse Fetal Outcome. J Clin Gynecol Obstet. 01/2014; 3(2):73-75.
- Canonico S., Arduini M., Epicoco G., Luzi G., Arena S., CLERICI G., Affronti G.: Placenta Previa Percreta: A Case Report of Successful Management via Conservative Surgery.. Case reports in obstetrics and gynecology. 01/2013; 2013:702067.
- CLERICI G., Antonelli C., Rizzo G., Kanninen T., Di Renzo G.C.: Atypical hemodynamic pattern in fetuses with hypercoiled umbilical cord and growth restriction.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med, 11/2012;
- Di Renzo G.C., Giardina I., CLERICI G., Mattei A., Alajmi A.H., Gerli S.: The role of progesterone in maternal and fetal medicine.. Gynecological Endocrinology 11/2012; 28(11):925-32.
- CLERICI G.,Babucci G., Di Renzo G.C.: Clinical significance of fetal hyperechogenicities. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 08/2012; 32(6):596.
- Di Renzo G.C., Brillo E., Romanelli M., Porcaro G., Capanna F., Kanninen T., Gerli S., CLERICI G.: Potential effects of chocolate on human pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 04/2012; 25(10):1860-7.
- CLERICI G., Slavescu C., Fiengo S., Kanninen T., Romanelli M., Biondi R., Di Renzo G.C.: Oxidative stress in pathological pregnancies.. J of Obstet Gynaecol 02/2012; 32(2):124- 7.
- Di Renzo G.C., Giardina I., Rosati A., CLERICI G., Torricelli M., Petraglia F.: Maternal risk factors for preterm birth: a country-based population analysis. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 12/2011; 159(2):342-6.
- Wex J., Abou-Setta A.M., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: Atosiban versus betamimetics in the treatment of preterm labour in Italy: clinical and economic importance of side-effects. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 05/2011; 157(2):128-35.
- CLERICI G., Porcaro G., Kanninen T., Di Renzo G.C.: The role of serial amnioinfusions in the management of previable pre-term premature rupture of membranes.. J of Obstet Gynaecol05/2011; 31(4):345-7.
- Prontera P., CLERICI G., Bernardini L., Schippa M., Capalbo A., Manes I., Giuffrida M.G., Barbieri M.G. , Ardisia C., Donti E.: Prenatal diagnosis and molecular characterization of an interstitial 1q24.3-31.3 deletion: case report and review.. Genetic counseling (Geneva, Switzerland) 01/2011; 22(1):41-8
- Wex J., Abou-Setta A.M., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: EJOG resource centre Made possible by An educational grant from Ferring. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 01/2011;
- Arduini M., Rosati P., Caforio L., Guariglia L., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C., Scambia G.: Cerebral blood flow autoregulation and congenital heart disease: possible causes of abnormal prenatal neurologic development.. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 01/2011; 24(10):1208-11.
- Cruciani , Gerli S., Baiocchi G., CLERICI G., Antonelli C., Di Renzo G.C.: Ovarian pregnancy after in vitro fertilisation in a woman with previous bilateral salpingectomy.. J Obstet Gynaecology 01/2011; 31(3):270-1.
- Arduini M, CLERICI G., al: “Cerebral blood flow autoregulation and congenital heart disease: possible causes of abnormal prenatal neurologic development.”. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 01/2011; 24:1208-1211.
- Marchini G., Rosati A., Ribiani E., Romanelli M., Porcaro G., CLERICI G.: [Nuchal translucency and combined test: what are the implications in clinical practice?]. Minerva ginecologica 06/2010; 62(3):187-93.
- Asciutti S., Kanninen T., CLERICI G., Nardi E., Castellani D., Di Renzo G.C., Clerici C.: Acute pancreatitis with a mucinous cystoadenoma of the pancreas in pregnancy.. Anticancer research 03/2010; 30(3):1025-8.
- CLERICI G., Porcaro G., Kanninen T., Di Renzo G.C.: The role of serial amnioinfusions in the management of previable pre-term premature rupture of membranes. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2011, in press (accepted for publication – january 2011).
- Di Renzo G.C., Giardina I., Rosati A., CLERICI G., Torricelli M., Petraglia F. and the Italian Preterm Network Study Group: Maternal risk factors for preterm labour: a country based population analysis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol, 2010.
- Wex J., Abou-Setta A.M., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: Atosiban versus betamimetics in the treatment of preterm labour in Italy: clinical and economic importance of side- effects. Eur J Obstet Gynecol, 2010.
- Di Renzo G.C., Brillo E., Romanelli M., Porcaro G., Capanna F., Kanninen T., CLERICI G., Gerli S.: Potential effects of chocolate on human pregnancy: a longitudinal randomized control trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2010.
- Cruciani , Gerli S., Baiocchi G., CLERICI G., Antonelli C., Di Renzo G.C.: Ovarian pregnancy after in vitro fertilization in a woman with previous bilateral salpingectomy. A case report. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2010.
- CLERICI G., Slavescu C., Fiengo S., Kanninen T., Romanelli M., Biondi R., Di Renzo G.C.: Oxidative stress in pathological pregnancies. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2010.
- CLERICI G., Porcaro G., Kanninen T., Di Renzo G.C.: The role of serial amnioinfusions in the management of previable pre-term premature rupture of membranes. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 2011
- Arduini M., Rosati P., Caforio L., Guariglia L., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C., Scambia G.: Cerebral blood flow autoregulation and congenital heart disease: possible causes of abnormal prenatal neurologic development. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2011;
- CLERICI G., Rosati A., Di Renzo G.C.: Fetal hemodynamics and umbilical cord anomalies. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. Vol 23, Suppl 1, May 2010; p 13.
- Affronti G., CLERICI G., Canonico S., Arena S., Di Renzo G.C.: Step wise approach to the management of PPH. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. Vol 23, Suppl 1, May 2010; pp 1-96.
- Troiani S., Cappuccini B., Torlone E., Arnone S., CLERICI G., Romanelli M., Pauselli F., Barboni G., Di Renzo G.C.: Neonatal ecocardiography in newborn of diabetic – obese mothers. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. Vol 23, Suppl 1, May 2010; p 435.
- Asciutti S., Kanninen T., CLERICI G., Nardi E., Castellani D., Di Renzo G.C., Clerici C.: Acute pancreatitis with a mucinous cystoadenoma of the pancreas in pregnancy. Anticancer Res. 2010; Mar 30(3): 1025-1028.
- CLERICI G., Rosati A., Di Renzo G.C.: Absent ductus venosus associated with skeletal anomalies of the ulna and radium. Prenat Diagn. 2010; Jan 30(1): 83-85.
- Arduini M., Epicoco G., CLERICI G., Bottaccioli E., Arena S., Affronti G.: B-Lynch suture, intrauterine balloon, and endouterine hemostatic suture for the management of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta previa accreta. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 108; 2010; pp 191-193.
- Di Renzo G.C., Brillo E., Romanelli M., Porcaro G., CLERICI G., Gerli S.: Is there any good use of cocoa in pregnancy? Am J Obstet Gynecol. Vol 201, 6; Dec 2009, p 589.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G., Kanninen T., Panunzio M., Burnelli L., Gerli S.: Delayed interval delivery in multiple pregnancy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med., Vol 22, Suppl 1, March 2009; pp 25-26.
- CLERICI G., Spataru M.C., Di Renzo G.C.: Chronic hypoxemia and fetal hemodynamics. TMJ. 2009, Vol 59, nr 2; pp 143-147.
- Di Renzo G.C., Picchiassi E., Fanetti A., Centra M., CLERICI G., Coata G.: Early prediction of fetal gender by using free fetal DNA from maternal plasma. Am J Obstet Gynecol. Vol 199, 6; Dec 2008, p S169.
- CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: Cerebral Hemodynamics and Fetal Behavioral States in IUGR Fetuses. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynaecol., 2008; 2 (3): 75-78.
- Di Renzo G.C., Brillo E., Rosati A., CLERICI G.: BMI and pregnancy outcome. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. Vol 21, Suppl 1, September 2008, p 260.
- CLERICI G., Koutras I., Luzietti R., Di Renzo G.C.: Multiple true umbilical knots: a silent risk for IUGR with anomalous hemodynamic pattern. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, 2007; 222 (6): 440-443.
- CLERICI G., Rosati , Ribiani E., Di Renzo G.C. Cerebral hemodynamics and fetal behavioral states in IUGR fetuses. J of Perinat Med Vol 35 Supp II, 2007; S 137.
- Luzietti , CLERICI G., Criscuoli R.M., Settonce S., Ricciuti S., Bori S., Iapoce R., Bazzucchi E., Cenci F., Narducci P.L.: Cesarean section rate reduction: the impact of a systematic classification system. J of Perinat Med Vol 35 Supp II, 2007; S 203.
- Luzietti R., Bazzucchi E., CLERICI G., Criscuoli R.M., Settonce S., Ricciuti G., Bori S., Iapoce R., Delli Ponti D., Persichetti S., Pazzaglia M., Baiocchi G., Damiani F., Di Renzo G.C.: Differences in cesarean section rate between hospitals: an analysis with the use of the Robson’s classification. J of Perinat Med Vol 35 Supp II, 2007; S 203.
- Di Renzo G.C., Al Saleh E., Mattei A., Koutras I., CLERICI G.: Use of tocolytics: what is the benefit of gaining 48 hours for the fetus? Brit J. Obst Gynaecol, 2006; Dec 113 Suppl 3: 72-77.
- Gerli S., CLERICI G., Mattei A., Di Renzo G.C.: Flecainide treatment of fetal tachycardia and hydrops fetails in a twin pregnancy. Letters to the Editor. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2006; 28(1):117.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G., Neri I., Facchinetti F., Caserta G., Alberti A.: Potential effects of nutrients on placental function and fetal growth. Nestlé Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Program. 2005; (55): 73-81; discussion 81-82. Review.
- Narducci P.L., Bori S., Criscuoli R., Luzietti R., Cenci F., CLERICI G., Narducci P.G., Ricciuti G., Settonce S.: Prolasso genitale totale: terapia chirurgica integrale protesica con PERIGEE ed APOGEE. Urogynecology International Journal. 19-1, Jan.-Apr. 2005; pp 385-386.
- Di Renzo G.C., Luzietti R., CLERICI G., Mattei A.: Peripartum assessment of multiple pregnancies. Perinatoloji, 13; 1, 2005: 37-41.
- Di Renzo G.C., Mignosa M., Gerli S., Burnelli L., Luzi G., CLERICI G., Taddei F., Marinelli D., Bragetti P., Mezzetti D., Della Torre B., Fantauzzi A., Lungarotti M.S.: The combined maternal administration of magnesium sulphate and aminophylline reduces intraventricular hemorrhage in very preterm neonates. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005; Feb 192(2): 433-438.
- Di Renzo G.C, Mignosa M.M., Gerli S., Luzietti R., CLERICI G.: Antenatal prevention of severe neonatal neurological morbidity. 2004; p 44. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, 2004; 19 (1): 44.
- Gerli S., Rossetti D., Baiocchi G., CLERICI G., Unfer V., Di Renzo G.C.: Early ultrasonographic diagnosis and laparoscopic treatment of an abdominal pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, Mar 15 2004; 113 (1):103-105.
- Zikopoulos M., CLERICI G., Mignosa M.M., Cutuli A., Di Renzo G.C.: Twin-to-twin- transfusion sindrome: case report of a diamniotic-dichorionic pregnancy changed therapeutically in a ‘monoamniotic-dichorionic’. J Mat Fet Neonat Med, Vol 16:1, p 244.
- Zikopoulos M., CLERICI G., Mignosa M., Cutuli A., Di Renzo G.C.: Risk factors and prevention of preterm delivery. J Mat Fet Neonat Med, Vol 16:1, p 199.
- CLERICI G., Luzietti R., Narducci P.L., Di Renzo G.C.: Fetal cerebral blood flow. Ultrasound Rev. Obstet. Gynecol. 2003; 3: 111-116.
- Di Renzo G.C., Mignosa M.M., CLERICI G., Rosati A., Gerli S., Luzietti R.: Perinatal stress. 2003; Gynaecol Perinatol, vol 12, Suppl 1, pp 113-118.
- Di Renzo G.C., Luzietti R., Mignosa M.M., Burnelli L., Gerli S., CLERICI G.: Risk factors and prevention of preterm delivery. J. Perinat. Med. Vol.31, 2003; suppl. I. pp 381-385.
- Di Renzo G.C., Luzietti R., CLERICI G., Cutuli A.M., Mignosa M.M.: New technologies for intrapartum monitoring. Perinatologji. Vol 10, 3; 2002: 127-128.
- CLERICI G., Luzietti R., Cutuli A., Di Renzo G.C.: Cerebral hemodynamics and fetal behavioural states. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2002; 19: 340-343.
- Di Renzo G.C., Luzietti R., Gerli S., CLERICI G.: The ten commandments in multiple pregnancy. Twin Research, 2001; vol. 4,3: pp 159-164.
- CLERICI G.: Book Reviews: An atlas of the human embryo and fetus. Prenat. Neonat. Med. 2001; 6: 194-195.
- Di Renzo G.C., Cutuli A., Gerli S., CLERICI G., Luzietti R.: The biophysical profile in multiple pregnancy. Utrasound Rev Obstet Gynecol, 2001; 1: 291-294.
- CLERICI G., Luzietti R., Di Renzo G.C.: Monitoring of antepartum and intrapartum fetal hypoxemia: pathophysiological basis and available techniques. Biology of the Neonate, 2001; 79: 3-4, pp 246-253.
- CLERICI G., Cutuli A., Di Renzo G.C.: Delayed interval delivery of a second twin. Europ. J. Gyn. Ob. Repr. Biology 96. 2001; pp 121-122.
- Luzietti R., CLERICI G., Taddei F., Liotta L., Di Renzo GC.: Antepartum and intrapartum electronic heart rate monitoring of the preterm fetus. Prenat. Neonat. Med. 2001, Vol. 6, suppl.1, p 47.
- CLERICI G., Luzietti R., Rosati A., Cutuli A., Liotta L., Taddei F., Di Renzo G.C.: Correlation between transvaginal cervical ultrasound examination and the risk of preterm labor. Prenat. Neonat. Med. 2001, Vol. 6, suppl.1, p 46.
- CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: Fetal Hemodynamics and growth restriction. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2000. 16 (1), WS12-04; 22.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G., Luzietti R.: Viral infection in pregnancy. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 2000; 5: 30; p 2.
- Di Renzo G.C., Cutuli A., Barbati A., Coata G., CLERICI G.: Lung maturation and prematurity. Int J Gynecol Obstet, 2000; 5: 30; p 9.
- Di Renzo G.C., Ferrari G., Cutuli G., CLERICI G.: Fetal Pulse Oximetry and Intrapartum monitoring. Neonat. Med. 2000; 5.2 /suppl. 1, p 23.
- Luzi G., Caserta G., Iammarino G., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: “Nitric oxide donors in pregnancy: feto-maternal hemodynamic effects induced in mild preeclampsia and threatened preterm labor”. Ultrasound Obstet.Gynecol. 1999; vol. 14.2, pp 101-109.
- Carrera J.M., Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G. et al.: Recommendations and Protocols for Prenatal Diagnosis. Report of the European Study Group on Prenatal Diagnosis. Prenat Neonat Med. 1999. 4/3.
- CLERICI G., Martines G., Cutuli A., Di Renzo G.C.: New approaches in the management of the ‘twin-to-twin’ transfusion syndrome: a case of diamniotic-dichorionic pregnancy changed “therapeutically” in a monoamniotic-dichorionic pregnancy, abstracts del 12th International Workshop on Multiple Pregnancy – from curiosity to Twin Research, 1999; vol 2, p 2.
- CLERICI G., Cutuli , Di Renzo G.C.: Fetal cerebral circulation related to different behavioural states. Am. J. Obst. Gynec, Vol 180, nr 1, part 2; 1999.
- Caserta G., Iammarino G., Luzi G., CLERICI G., De Graaf O., Di Renzo G.C.: NO-charge in severe dysmenorrhoea. Neonat. Med. Vol 2, suppl. 1, 1998 –
- Di Renzo G.C., Montani M., Cutuli A., Perazzi A., Piatti P., CLERICI G.: Chaos therapy versus conventional approaches in the evaluation of fetal well-being. Fetal Diagn Ther. 1998; 13, p 33.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G., Cutuli A., Perazzi A., Luzi G., Iammarino G.: Management of multiple pregnancy. Ultrasonografi, vol. 2, nr 1, 1998; p 66.
- Di Renzo G.C., Iammarino G., Augusti Venturelli M., Piatti P., CLERICI G., Caserta G., Luzi G.: Maternal and fetal hemodynamics under antihypertensive drug treatment. Ultrasonografi, vol. 2, nr 1, 1998, p 64.
- Di Renzo G.C., Iammarino G., Caserta G., De Graaf O., Nicoli S., Piatti P., CLERICI G.: Fetal cerebral circulation. Ultrasonografi, vol. 2, nr 1, 1998 – p 57.
- Luzi G., Iammarino G., Augusti Venturelli M., Piatti P., Nicoli S., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: Intra uterine growth restriction: combined 2-D and Doppler evaluation. Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolism, vol.10, suppl. to nr 6, 1997 – p 18.
- CLERICI G., Donti E., Zacutti A., Di Renzo G.C.: Prenatal Diagnosis in Italy. Eur J Hum Genet, 1997; 5 (1): 42-47.
- Luzi G., Caserta G., Calvieri G., Iammarino G., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C., Saab J.C.: Feto-maternal Haemodynamic Effect Induced by Sublingual Administration of a Nitric Oxide Donor, Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN), in Mild Preeclampsia and Threatened Preterm Labour. Revue Medicale Libanaise; 1997; 9: 123-129.
- Luzi G., Saab J.C., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Iammarino G., Piatti P., Di Renzo G.C.: The use of Doppler technology in the evaluation of the medical treatment of the uterine fibromyomata, Revue Medicale Libanaise; 1997; April vol. 9: 135-139.
- Di Renzo G.C., Iammarino G., CLERICI G., Calvieri G., Luzi G., Saab J.C., Caserta G.: The use of NO Donors in obstetrics, Revue Medicale Libanaise; 1997; April vol. 9, nr 2: 77-82.
- Caserta G., Iammarino G., Luzi G., CLERICI G., De Graaf O., Di Renzo G.C.: NO charge in severe dysmenorrhea. Prenat. Neonat. Med. Vol 2/1, 1997; p 33.
- Caserta G., CLERICI G., Luzi G., Iammarino G., de Graaf O., Lauro V., Di Renzo G.C.: The NO-test, rationale of NO replacement. Neonat. Med. Vol 2/1, 1997; p 6.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G.: Teaching sonography in obstetrics and gynecology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 847: Ultrasound Screening for Fetal Anomalies: Is it worth it ?, 1997; 847: 228-232.
- Luzi G., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Abubakari M.N.J., Taddei F., Di Renzo G.C.: The NO test in the management of gestational hypertension and/or IUGR. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 1996; 8/1: 172.
- Di Renzo G.C., Montani M., Fioriti E., CLERICI G., Branconi F., Pardini A., Indraccolo R., Cosmi E.V.: Fractal analysis: a new method for evaluating fetal heart rate variability. J. Perinat. Med. 1996; 24: 261-269.
- CLERICI G., Burnelli L., Lauro V., Pilu G.L., Di Renzo G.C.: Prenatal diagnosis of vasa previa presentig as amniotic band. “A not so innocent amniotic band”. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynaecol., 1996; 7/1: 61-63.
- Di Renzo G.C., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Iammarino G., Mazzarini M., Liotta L., Piatti P., Luzi G.: Non invasive evaluation of uteroplacental circulation: clinical usefulness. Perkembagan Ultrasonologi. Nov 1996; pp 29-30.
- Di Renzo G.C., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Calvieri G., Rossetti D., Ferrari G., Piatti P., Luzi G.: Non invasive evaluation of fetal cerebral circulation: pathophysiological considerations. Perkembagan Ultrasonologi. Nov 1996; pp 97-98.
- Di Renzo G.C., Caserta G., Calvieri G., CLERICI G., Abubakari M., Piatti P., Floridi A., Luzi G.. The NO test: the new starting point in the management of fetal IUGR. Perkembagan Ultrasonologi. Nov 1996; pp 93-94.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G., Iammarino G., Calvieri G., Bori S., Piatti P., Martines G., Luzi G. Kidney function in prenatal life. Perkembagan Ultrasonologi. Nov 1996; pp 99-100.
- Di Renzo G.C., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Bori S., Caproni S., Cenci F., Piatti P., Luzi G.. Non invasive evaluation of fetal umbilical circulation: Clinical significance. Perkembagan Ultrasonologi. Nov 1996; pp 25-26.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G.: Chaos theory in perinatology. Prenat.Neonat.Med, supp.2, 1996: pp 277-278.
- Luzi G., CLERICI G., Di Renzo G.C.: The significance of cerebral Doppler velocimetry in normal and growth retarded fetuses. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1996; 174:1. 424.
- Luzi , Abubakari M.N.J., CLERICI G., Caserta G., Di Renzo G.C.: Feto-maternal haemodynamics during maternal glyceryltrinitrate sublingual administration. J. Soc. Gynecol. Invest., 1995; 2:177.
- Luzi G., CLERICI G., Taddei F., Di Renzo G.C.: Cerebral circulation in normal and growth retarded (IUGR) fetuses. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 1995; 6/2: 71.
- Di Renzo G.C., Caserta G., Iammarino G., CLERICI G., Luzi G.: The NO test in the management of hypertensive pregnancy and IUGR. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 1995; 6/2: 29
- Di Renzo G.C., Luzi G., Marchetti S., Bianchini F., Cencini M., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Cosmi E.V.: Hemodynamic changes in the fetal middle cerebral artery during fetal distress. Ultrasound Obstet. Gynecol. 1994; 4/1:90.
- Di Renzo G.C., Montani M., Fioriti E., Branconi F., Luzi G., CLERICI G., Cosmi E.V.: Computer and mathematical analysis of cardiotocography. J. Obstet. Gynec., 1994; 46, 3: 61.
- Di Renzo G.C., CLERICI G., Abubakari M., Luzi G., Caserta G., Anceschi M.M., Unfer V., Cosmi E.V.: Antenatal management of multifetal pregnancies. J. Obstet. Gynec., 1994; 46, p 45.
- Di Renzo G.C., Luzi G., Caserta G., CLERICI G., Cosmi E.V.: The role of telemetry in perinatal monitoring. J. Perin. Med., 1994; 22: 517-522.